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Discover Yieldfund through our investor deck and see how you can grow your capital today.

Step 1: Download Investor Guide

Discover Yieldfund tru our deck and see how you can grow your capital, without needing investment expertise

Step 2: Get in touch

Plan a session with one of our Investor Relation Managers to get more information and get started.

Step 3: Earn up to 5% monthly

Start earning up to 5% monthly with 100% ROI. Weekly payments, every Monday = Payday!

Step 1: Download Investor Deck

Discover how Yieldfund works and see how you can grow your capital.

Step 2: Get in touch

Fill in our contact form, one of our investor relation managers will get in contact with you.

Step 3: Earn up to 5% monthly

Start earning up to 5% monthly with 100% ROI. Weekly payments, every Monday = Payday!

Download our free investor deck

Our investors' experiences

Every Monday I receive my payout

I have been active with Yieldfund for 2 months now and my experience so far has been very positive. What appeals to me the most is the consistency and reliability of their payouts. Every Monday I receive my payout nicely, without any delays or problems. In addition, Yieldfund offers clear communication and a sense of transparency, which is important when investing your money. To me it feels like Yieldfund is a reliable choice for those looking for stable and high returns.

Sanne is always available for all my questions

All my questions regarding crypto fund investing were accurately answered by Sanne from Yieldfund. Because I have absolutely no experience with investing in crypto, I was able to make an informed choice to invest in Yieldfund. The one-time deposit, the certainty of a high fixed monthly return and Yieldfund's vision for the future were the deciding factors for me. Also the support they provided in creating my own cryptowallet was very pleasant.

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