Investing in Yieldfund offers investors a unique opportunity to profit in a rapidly growing and volatile market, namely cryptocurrencies. Because the market of cryptocurrencies is still very young there is a lot of volatility in the market. By applying the right strategies there are great returns to be made.
Yieldfund’s fund offers an excellent way to expand your current investment portfolio and increase your chances of maximizing returns. By investing in Yieldfund, you add an innovative and fast-growing asset class to your portfolio, namely cryptocurrency and DeFi (Decentralized Finance). This is not only a step toward diversification, but also a way to take advantage of the unique return opportunities this market offers.
At Yieldfund, we employ a strategy where we trade at high amounts, and exit at a minimum profit rate. This means we focus on small but consistent gains, resulting in a reduced-risk strategy.
This approach allows us to take advantage of volatility in the market without depending on large price fluctuations. We take advantage of every small move in the market to generate profits, contributing to stable fund growth even in uncertain times. This strategy allows us to deliver carefully managed returns while mitigating the risks normally associated with trading the crypto market.
Fiscal status:
Minimum investment:
Start-up costs:
Fund manager:
10.000 USDC / EUR
1, 2, or 3 years
We do not charge any fee
Frontpay capital B.V.
Fiscal status: Untaxed
Minimum investment: 10.000 USDC / EUR
Plan: 1, 2 or 3 years
Portability: Non-transferable
Start-up costs: We do not charge any fee
Fund manager: Frontpay capital B.V.
It is best for the fund to lock in the investment for at least 1 year. Should you unexpectedly want to withdraw your investment you can always do so. We will then deduct the interest already paid.
Your entire investment will be repaid after the investment period is expired.
While trading, it is crucial to avoid risk. Of course, risk cannot be completely avoided but you can minimize this as much as possible.
We only trade cryptocurrencies that are in the top 100. This ensures plenty of liquidity.
We always use a stop-loss strategy. This causes us to exit the position and minimize our loss.
We use a trading bot. This ensures that we don't let emotion take over.
We always monitor and reallocation our crypto investments.
Entry price
Exit price
At Yieldfund, we believe in maximizing the growth of your investment. That’s why we offer three attractive plans. But if you really want to get the most out of your investment, our 3-year plan with 5% monthly profit is the best choice.
Suppose you invest € 25,000 in our 3-year plan. After one year, your investment has already grown to € 40,000. After three years, your investment would be an impressive € 70,000!
Let your money work for you and take advantage of a 60% annual return by choosing our 3-year plan. This is the way to secure your financial future and significantly grow your wealth.
Please use the online application form for this purpose. You can choose between personal appointment or phone call
If you wish, you can schedule it through the website, this can be through a appointment or a phone call
You will receive a registration kit by email, you must fill it out, sign it and then return it to us
You pay your chosen amount in USDC as an investment in the fund
From the 1st day after receiving the investment amount, you accrue interest
After you’ve been in touch with us and received Yieldfund’s address, it’s time to transfer your investment. The easiest way to send money to Yieldfund is through an exchange. Through Bitvavo you can easily put money in your wallet via an ideal payment and convert it to USDC. If you don’t have a Bitvavo wallet yet, create one.
1. To open a new bitvavo account, go to get started
2. Verify your email address
3. Provide the required personal details
4. Verify your identity
5. Deposit money and convert it into USDC
Before you can withdraw crypto from your Bitvavo account to Yieldfund’s address, you first need to disable the crypto withdraw lock and add the external address to your address book. Once those two steps are done, you may send your crypto to your external wallet by following the steps outlined below.
1. Login to your Bitvavo account
2. Buy USDC and click on it
3. Go to ‘Withdraw’ and click on it
4. Select Yieldfund’s address which you have created in your address book
5. Confirm the network for transfor. Bitvavo’s network for USDC is ERC-20, make sure you send it to the ERC-20 address of Yieldfund
6. Enter the amount you want to invest and click ‘preview withdrawal’
7. Check the transaction and confirm it by clicking ‘confirm withdrawal
8. Confirm your order via email
If you don’t want to send your investment to Yieldfund through an exchange, you can also do it through your bank. Yieldfund will then convert this to USDC itself.
Please note that this will cost 1.15% percent of the investment amount. So if you want to make an investment of $25,000, transfer $25375 to our account.
You should always create a wallet because this is where the weekly payouts come in. We recommend you create a Bitvavo wallet because this process is very easy. Consult with Yieldfund about the address where the payouts should be sent to.
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