Create a Bitvavo wallet

After you’ve been in touch with us and received Yieldfund’s address, it’s time to transfer your investment. The easiest way to send money to Yieldfund is through an exchange. Through Bitvavo you can easily put money in your wallet via an ideal payment and convert it to USDT. If you don’t have a Bitvavo wallet yet, create one.

1. To open a new bitvavo account, go to get started
2. Verify your email address
3. Provide the required personal details
4. Verify your identity
5. Deposit money and convert it into USDT

Send USDT via Bitvavo

Before you can withdraw crypto from your Bitvavo account to Yieldfund’s address, you first need to disable the crypto withdraw lock and add the external address to your address book. Once those two steps are done, you may send your crypto to your external wallet by following the steps outlined below.

1. Login to your Bitvavo account
2. Buy USDT and click on it
3. Go to ‘Withdraw’ and click on it
4. Select Yieldfund’s address which you have created in your address book
5. Confirm the network for transfor. Bitvavo’s network for USDT is ERC-20, make sure you send it to the ERC-20 address of Yieldfund
6. Enter the amount you want to invest and click ‘preview withdrawal’
7. Check the transaction and confirm it by clicking ‘confirm withdrawal
8. Confirm your order via email

Bitvavo logo

Transfer money to our bank account

If you prefer not to send your investment to Yieldfund via an exchange, you can also transfer it through your bank.

Please note that 1.15% of your initial investment will be deducted due to costs incurred by Yieldfund to convert the funds into USDT. As a result, your initial investment will be worth 1.15% less, and your weekly payouts will be calculated based on this adjusted amount. However, at the end of your contract, you will receive your full initial investment back.

It is important to set up a wallet, as this is where your weekly payouts will be deposited. Please coordinate with Yieldfund to determine the wallet address where your payouts should be sent.


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