
Do you have questions about our investment opportunities or want to learn more about how Yieldfund works? Feel free to contact us using the form below. Our team is ready to answer all your questions and help you take the next step toward financial success. Please fill in your details, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Our contact form

Lotte Simons, relatiebeheerder bij Yieldfund

Lotte Simons

Operational Manager EMEA

Sanne oudeophuis, relatiebeheerder bij Yieldfund

Sanne Oude Ophuis

Investor Relations Manager

Let's meet in person

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Our office in Amsterdam

Our office in Deventer

Prefer to get in touch with us directly? Send us an email. We try to respond a.s.a.p. on workdays.


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To help you choose the right investment